



13th September, 2020

00:04:00 GMT

Has your business been impacted by COVID-19?

Has your business been impacted by COVID-19? Do you have business interruption insurance and not sure if you are covered? Even if you have had your claim denied we can help as we have already had successful business interruption insurance pay-outs against COVID-19. We strongly suggest using a third-party company like ourselves to deal with your claim as business interruption claims can be complex. We have seen many companies unsuccessful with claims or receiving less money than they are due as they do not fully understand the claims process or all the areas they are entitled to claim. Our team of insurance specialists and solicitors will check your policy wording free of charge and advise if you have a claim. If you are eligible, we can act on your behalf on a no win no fee basis. Fill in our simple online form below to see if you qualify. Online form: Email: Thanks