

Charla Markham

(03) 5312 3897

11th June, 2020

18:55:00 GMT

Hello, I have just browsed through your site and would like to congratulate you on the clarity of your products and the services offered. I am sending you this message via the contact form of your website to offer you the use of our personalized communication products. We can personalize hundreds of products with your logo in order to communicate with your customers as well as potential future clients. Flags : Stands : POS : Stickers : … Our years of experience allow us to offer you impeccable quality at the most affordable prices. We deliver all over Europe in just a few days. We look forward to adding you as one amongst many of our most loyal customers, please do not hesitate browsing through our website and feel free to ask us any questions that you might have. Joseph Duvin Sales manager Magicprint